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R P Advanced Dental Centre


Leading treatment for missing teeth in Hampstead

RP Advanced Dental and Implant Centre offers a wide range of high-quality denture options for patients who want to replace their missing teeth. Dentures are an excellent option for restoring the smile, and the latest techniques and materials mean that our Hampstead team can create dentures that are more secure, comfortable, durable and aesthetically pleasing than they have ever been before.

With our skilled team, well-equipped clinic and the latest fitting techniques and materials you can feel completely assured that you're in excellent hands when you come to us for denture treatment.

Complete Dentures

If you have lost all of your teeth through wear and tear, advanced gum disease, infections, medical problems, or a combination of factors, then you will require complete dentures.

Dentures are made from extremely natural-looking false teeth attached to a plate which comfortably fits to the roof of your mouth and your gums. We use an advanced fitting technique to ensure that your dentures will be as secure and comfortable as possible.

We expect dentures to last a long time, but over time the jawbone changes shape because of ageing and tooth loss. The result of this process is that your dentures will not fit correctly, and so at this point you will require a new set from our Hampstead clinic.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used where one tooth or a few teeth that are missing, amongst natural teeth that remain. They are comprised of artificial tooth and gum elements which are made to blend in with the surrounding teeth, securely clipping on to the natural teeth either side.

Flexible Partial Dentures

Flexible partial dentures are a modern alternative to traditional versions. Flexible partial dentures are lightweight and patients typically find that they are much more comfortable and easier to wear compared to more rigid acrylic dentures.
We use Valplast flexible partial dentures which have many benefits including:

  • Durability
  • Soft material
  • Less gum abrasion and soreness
  • No metal clasps
  • No need for denture glue
  • Materials are designed to look very natural
  • Extremely thin and lightweight
  • Comfortable
  • Less likely to affect speech

Implant Supported Dentures

Modern dentures are better fitted, more secure and comfortable than they have ever been before. However, there are areas that dentures will always lack because of the limitations of the product.
Dentures are currently unable to:

  • Replace the tooth root
  • Adapt to the natural changes in jawbone shape, requiring regular new sets of dentures to be made
  • Stay as secure as alternative treatments
  • Feel as natural as other treatments
Dentures do lack in the above areas unless you combine them with the ‘gold standard’ in tooth replacement; dental implants.

The most advanced form of dental restoration currently available, implants can securely hold dentures in place. Implant supported dentures also avoid that ‘full mouth’ feel you can get from the plate that holds the teeth in place. They look and feel extremely natural compared to traditional dentures and do not require expensive replacements.

When you are missing all of your teeth you could theoretically replace each individual tooth with dental implants, which work by replacing the root with a titanium device that fits into your jawbone. However this can be very expensive compared to placing 4 to 6 implants which support an overdenture or fixed-arch of teeth.

There are several different methods for replacing missing teeth with implants which work extremely effectively. We highly recommend implant treatment if you have to replace your dentures regularly and struggle with denture-slippage and discomfort.

Key Dental Implant Benefits

  • Your teeth replacements are incredibly secure
  • Food tastes better because of the lack of denture plate
  • Eating the foods you love is much easier
  • Speech is much less likely to be affected
  • Incredibly natural-looking
  • Improved hygiene
  • No denture sores
  • No need for regular denture replacements

Dental implant treatment requires a detailed consultation to check your suitability. During this consultation we will discuss your requirements, and provide you with the best possible treatment plan for your needs.

We are looking forward to seeing you